Pony - bike & scooter sharing

by Pony Bikes

Voyages et infos locales


Vélos et trottinettes partagés

Vélos et trottinettes partagés.nnPrésent à Paris, Bruxelles, Grenoble, Angers, Bordeaux, Liège, Namur et Oxford, pony est la solution parfaite pour les petits trajets en ville.nn--nPaiement au trajetnPass journéenAbonnements 30 joursn--nnLes étapes:nn- Télécharger lappn- Scannez le QR coden- Partez en pony!nn--nnBus stops. Traffic jams. Empty docks.nLife’s too short... and you were made to move. Which is why the moment has come for a movement. To unchain the city and give you free rein: whoever you are and wherever you’re going. A movement powered by Pony.n nNo docking. No hassle. No limits.n nNot just getting around.nChanging the way the world goes round.